Tenspeed & Brownshoe

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Interesting about the Blair Witch Project though… Yes, technology has created a monster. Any TOOL with a camera is now a film maker- and they are gumming up the works for the rest of us and creating what I call The Slushpile.
Imagine if everybody with a computer wrote a screenplay.
Oh, wait.
They do.
Welcome to our world, oh yes.
What is it about show business that causes people to DELUDE themselves into thinking they are better than they are? Or any good at all? Do you watch the first few episodes of American Idol? These people auditioning for this show… people who are SO BAD that the producers put them on because they are SO bad it’s entertainment- truly and deeply believe that they are something special. And they vow with venom on their lips that they will return and be glorious.

If you try to draw or paint and it sucks you look at it and go, “Dude that sucks.” And that is where your career as an artists ends… but the lure of fame and riches combined with these “Cinderella Stories” (most of which are fabricated by publicists after the fact) – are a drug to many people. That drug is called,
“Hey you never know.” That is all the rational that people need to send their mediocrity out into the universe and hope that no one notices.
Because sometimes, no one does.

The Blair With guys got lucky, they did something no one had dared do before and the right people packaged it brilliantly and some people got rich. But who has ever watched that film twice? Those guys turned out not to have the goods anyway and that is simply that.

The real problem with “independent film” is it has gotten too big.
It is like Off Broadway.
Broadway is of course an untouchable unachievable multimillion-dollar proposition.
Off Broadway is like independent film today . . . it still takes an army of producers and about a half a million dollars to open a show OFF Broadway.
Off Off is what OFF was twenty years ago. Scrappy, hungry, trying new shit. Yeah, a lot of it’s crap.
FILM needs to acknowledge it’s Off Off Broadway. It’s twenty to fifty thousand dollar films.
There need to be whole festivals for just those films. Because somewhere in all that crap the future lies in wait.
Oh, and by the way just because a play was never ON Broadway doesn’t mean it was OFF Broadway. Have a little respect for the people who manage to get there. Off BWY means 99 seats and you paid everyone an equity wage etc… You know what I am talking about.
--- I am Brownshoe.