So some of you have already noticed that there are some changes to our little site. The template is completely different...obviously. The picture in the header of the park bench kind of reminds me of Brownshoe. Whenever we meet, he wants to be outside somewhere on a park bench as if an office is the place where they steal your soul. It's also dark and bleak because he's one cynical little bastard.
The Second thing to change was the Comments Section. As in, they don't exist anymore.
I noticed that some other blogs kind of went through the same thing that we did. They had a comment section and then it closed. I think there's a couple of reasons for this.
Some of these blogs like What Would Tyler Durden Do? and Go Fug Yourself are inherently mean blogs. While entertaining, the basic premise of their blogs are to trash celebrites, so the comments that they received were usually, "Who the fuck are you to judge?! I bet you look like Chris Farley's dead asshole!" So, off goes the comments. Then there are other blogs like Jane Espenson and The Inside Pitch that are very positive while giving out some sage advice. The problem is, for every person who is truly appreciative for the words and the help, there's always a bunch of other assholes that basically just want to call you an asshole. Like, "You don't know what the hell you're talking about! Who are you to give advice?!" And at that point it's just too gross to start reeling off your credits. While we're not raking in millions of studio dollars, we're definitely not rank amateurs either. We work in the entertainment business for a living and personally I've been doing just fine for the last decade here in NY.
You just can't get away from all those opinions. They say that opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one and everybody thinks that everyone else's stinks. I think opinions are more like trying to measure your penis. It sounds like a good idea in your head but once you pull it out it's never as profound as you thought, it usually ends up just kind of lying there, and somebody is bound to make fun of it.
I think the main (let's be truthful everybody...) reason for a Comment Section has probably less to do with creating a civilized forum and more to do with seeing how many people read your blog and then getting excited to see "posts" from strangers. 10 complete strangers posted today! Yeah...great. But 3 of those posts read like love letters from Buffalo Bill. And no, I will not put the lotion in the basket.
So the Comment Section is now and forever closed. We know how many people visit and read the site. It's actually way more than we ever thought. So great, keep on reading. But if you want inspired debate from actual smart people, go to The Artful Writer. Craig Mazin and Ted Elliott are informed writers who work in Hollywood that can give you more to debate about then my big bag of bullshit.
We're also trying to host more videos. I'd love for the videos to start playing within the blog but so far it just kind of starts the video in a new window. I'll keep trying but it's like...way hard.
Anyway, enjoy the site and keep reading!