I share some of them here with you.
Things I do not care about:
(In no particular order.)
The US Open.
For that matter the World Cup.
What anyone has worn to any award show, ever.
What anyone has had to say about it.
The fact that you are a vegan and there is nothing for you to eat.
Tiger Woods.
The space shuttle, NASA or any of the Apollo missions.
Who is winning, has won or may win, American Idol.
Who killed Jon Benet Ramsey.
Anything Oprah has ever said.
Brad, Angelina, Jen, Ben, Jen, Vince, Lindsay, Jessica, Nick, Brittany, Tom or Katie.
People who don't leave their houses when a hurricane is coming.
Other people's dogs.
Starr Jones or any of those cackling hens on The View.
Oh yeah, and Paris-fucking-Hilton.